New for 2017: Fall Protection 24-Hour Competent Person, designed for those in leadership positions supervising others working in elevated areas, meeting US Army Corps of Engineers EM385 & Z359 standards.
DATE: 10/25 to 10/27/2017
TIME: 8 AM to 4 PM
HOURS: 24 (3-day course)
COST: $800/person
OSHA’s 29CFR1926 Subpart M,
OSHA’s 29CFR1910 Subpart D,
USACE EM385-1-1 Regulations,
ANSI Z359 & A10 Standards,
Fall Program Requirements,
Fall Hazard Evaluations,
Methods of Compliance,
Personal Fall Arrest Systems,
Vertical & Horizontal Systems,
Training Requirements.
Cards & Certification Provided