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Virginia First State to Implement Mandatory COVID-19 Workplace Safety Rules


Virginia has become the first state in the nation to codify COVID-19 workplace safety requirements. Starting July 27, 2020, these rules generally follow the same guidelines that OSHA has released previously, and include:

  • Assessing the workplace for COVID-19 hazards and classifying tasks according to the risk of exposure

  • Developing and implementing procedures for employees to report COVID-19 symptoms

  • Developing and implementing policies for employees with a known/suspected case of COVID-19 to return to work

  • Ensuring physical distancing between employees, or PPE when impossible

  • Increased cleaning and disinfecting of workplace areas

  • Controlling, limiting or closing access to common areas

  • Employers classified as very high/high OR employers classified as medium risk but with 11 or more employees MUST develop and implement a written infectious disease preparedness & response plan within 60 days of the effective date of the standard

  • Notifying VOSH of 3 or more positive tests within 2 weeks

  • Training of all employees on COVID-19, presenting employees with COVID-19 exposure reduction information

  • Controlling, limiting or closing access to common areas

This is an emergency, temporary standard which goes into effect July 27, 2020 and will expire after 6 months.

Contact us with any questions about the new standard, and its training or program.

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